Curriculum Vitae for Prof. Dr. Ibrahim ORTAS University of Cukurova, Faculty of Agriculture Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Adana/TURKEY Tel : 90 322 338 6643/102 Fax : 90 322 338 66 43 e-mail. [email protected] LANGUAGES • English: Advance • Turkish: Native CURRENT POSITION • Full Professor, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Cukurova University, from 2010 to present, appointed in same institution since 1994 EDUCATION Education Degree University 1994 Ph D University of Reading 1987 McS Çukurova University 1985 Bc Çukurova University Ph.D. Dissertation: The Effect of Different Forms and Rates of Nitrogen and Different Rates of Phosphorus Fertilizer on Rhizosphere pH and P Uptake in Mycorrhizal and nonMycorrhizal Sorghum Plants. 1994, University of Reading, Reading, UK. MEMBERSHIP TO PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS • International mycorizologist and International Soil Science membership • Subtropical fruits central board member OTHER SKILLS • Expert in Agricultural Engineering, mycorrhizae; organic farming; Agricultural and soil history, Sustainable agriculture. KEY QUALIFICATIONS • The effect of mycorrhizae on mineral nutrient uptake and selections of mycorrhizal dependent citrus plants. • Using mycorrhiza in sustainable agriculture systems: A micro pilot study for a large scale of mycorrhizae production and mycorrhiza infected citrus seedlings production • The effect of organic manure, compost, mycorrhizal inoculum and inorganic fertilizer on citrus growth and nutrient uptake under long-term experiments • The effect of several mycorrhizal speacies on mandarin, lemone growth and yiled under long term experiment • The effect of organic fertilizers on citrusp plant growth and quality • The role of mycorrhizae on carbon sequestration under citrus orchers • Agricultural management, soil protection, carbon sequestration and climate change PUBLICATIONS Peer Reviewed Journals 1. Güzel, N,. H. Ibrikci and I. Ortaş. 1992. Determination of Number of Sub samples from a Sampling Unit for NO3-N Measurement NO3-N in Profiles of Various Soil Series in Southern Turkey. Communication Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 23. 2697- 2709. 2. Ortaş, I. 1996. The influence of use of different rates of inoculum on root infection plant growth and phosphorus uptake. Communication Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 27/18-20. 2935-2946. 3. Ortaş, I,. P. J. Harris and D. L. Rowell. 1996. Enhanced uptake of phosphorus by mycorrhizal sorghum plants as influenced by forms of nitrogen. Plant and Soil. 184: 255-264. 4. Ortaş, I, 1997. Determination of the Extent of Rhizosphere Soil. Communication Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 28 (19-20) 1767-1776. 5. Ortas, I., N. Güzel, H. İbrikçi. 1999 Determination of Potassium and Magnesium Status of Soils Using Different Soil Extraction Procedures in The Upper Part of Mesopotamia (in the Harran Plain.) Communication Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 30 (19-20) 2607-2625. 6. Ortaş, I. and Rowell, D.L. 2000. The effect of pH on the amount of phosphate extractable by 10 mM CaCl2 from three Rothamsted soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 31 (17&18) p 2917-2923. 7. Ortaş, I., Ortakçı, D. and Kaya, Z. 2002a. Various mycorrhizal fungi propagated on different hosts have different effect on citrus growth and nutrient uptake. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 33(1&2) 259-272. 8. Ortaş, I., Ortakçı, D. and Kaya, Z. Çınar, A., Önelge, N, 2002b. Mycorrhizal dependency of sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) In term of phosphorus and zinc nutrition by different levels of phosphorus and zinc application. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 25, 6: 1263 – 1279. 9. Ortaş, I. 2003. Effect of Selected Mycorrhizal Inoculation on Phosphorus Sustainability in Sterile and Non-Sterile Soils in the Harran Plain in South Anatolia. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 26, 1: 1-17 10. Sari, N., Ortaş, I. and Yetişir, H. 2002. Effects of Mycorrhizae on Plant Growth, Yield and Phosphorus Uptake in Garlic Under Field Conditions. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 33 (13&14), 2189-2201 11. Ortaş, I., Sari, N. and Akpınar Ç. 2003. Effects of mycorrhizal inoculation and soil fumigation on the yield and nutrient uptake of some solanaceas crops (tomato, eggplant and pepper) under field conditions. Agr. Med. Vol, 133. 3-4. 249-258 12. Ortaş, I. and. Sari, N. 2003. Enhanced Yield and Nutrient Content of Sweet Corn with Mycorrhizal Inoculation Under Field Conditions. Agr. Med. Vol, 133. 3-4, 188-195. 13. Ortas, I., D. L. Rowell and P. J. Harris 2004. Effect of Mycorrhizae and pH Change at the Root-Soil Interface on Phosphorus Uptake by Sorghum Using a Rhizocylinder Technique. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 35 (7&8) p 1061- 1080. 14. Ortas, I., D. L. Rowell 2004. Effect of Ammonium and Nitrate on Indigenous Mycorrhizal Infection, Rhizosphere pH Change and Phosphorus Uptake by Sorghum. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 35 (13&14) p 1923-1944. 15. Celik, I., Ortas, I., Kilic, S. .2004. Effects of compost, mycorrhiza, manure and fertilizer on some physical properties of a Chromoxerert soil. Soil & Tillage Research 78 (2004) 59–67. 16. Ortas, I and C. Akpinar, 2006. Response of kidney bean to arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and mycorrhizal dependency in P and Zn deficient soils. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science. 56;101 – 109. 17. Dasgan, Y., Kusvuran, S. and Ortas, I. 2008. Length Research Paper Responses of soilless grown tomato plants to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (Glomus fasciculatum) colonization in re-cycling and open systems. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 7 (20), pp. 3606-3613. 18. Kafkas, S., and Ortas. 2009. Various Mycorrhizal Fungi Enhance Dry Weights, P and Zn Uptake of Four Pistacia Species. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 32: 146–159 19. Comlekcioglu S, Akpinar C, Bayazit S, Ortas I, Kuden AB. 2008. Effect of Mycorrhizae Applications on the Mineral Uptake in 'Alkuden' (01-IN-06) Fig Genotype. Ed by Palmer JW. Proceedıngs of the ınternatıonal symposıum on enhancıng economıc and envıronmental sustaınabılıty of fruıt productıon in a global economy. Book Series: ACTA HORTICULTURAE, Issue: 772; 513-518. 20. İkiz, O., Abak, K., Daşgan, H.Y. and Ortaş, I. 2009. Effects of Mycorrhizal Inoculation in Soilless Culture On Pepper Plant Growth. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 807:533- 540. 21. YÜCEL, C., ÖZKAN, H., ORTAS, I., YAĞBASANLAR1, T. 2009. Screening of wild emmer wheat accessions (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccoides) for mycorrhizal dependency. Turk J Agric For. 33 902-47. 22. Kafkas, S. And Ortas, I. 2009. Various Mycorrhizal Fungi Enhance Dry Weights, P and Zn Uptake of Four Pistacia Species. JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION. 32, 146-159. 23. Ortas, I. 2010. Effect of mycorrhiza application on plant growth and nutrient uptake in cucumber production under field conditions. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 8, 116-122 24. Almaca, A., Ortaş, I. 2010. Growth response of maize plants (Zea mays L.) to wheat and lentil pre-cropping and to indigenous mycorrhizae in field soil. SPANISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH. Vol. 8, 131-136. 25. Aka-Kacar Y, Akpinar C, Agar A, Yalcin-Mendi, Y. Serce, S, Ortas, I. 2010. The effect of mycorrhiza in nutrient uptake and biomass of cherry rootstocks during acclimatization. ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS. 15 (3): 5246- 5252. 26. Ozdemir, G., Akpinar, C., Sabir A., Bilir H., Tangolar S., Ortas I. 2010. Effect of Inoculation with Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Grapevine Genotypes (Vitis spp.). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE. 75 (3),103-110. 27. Abak, K., Dasgan, HY., Rehber, Y., Ortas, I. 2010. Effect of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas on Plant Growth of Soilless Grown Muskmelon. IV INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CUCURBITS. Ed by, Sun, SX. Acta Horticulturae, 871:301-306. 28. Ortas, I and C. Akpinar, 2011. Response of maize genotypes to several mycorrhizal inoculums in terms of plant growth, nutrient uptake. And spore productıon. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 34:970–987. 29. Ortas, I., Sari, N., Akpinara, C., Yetisir, H. 2011. Screening mycorrhiza species for plant growth, P and Zn uptake in pepper seedling grown under greenhouse conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 128; 92–98. 30. Celik, I., Z.B. Barut, I. Ortas, M. Gok, A. Demirbas, Y. Tulun, C. Akpinar, 2011. Microbiological properties and crop yield under semi-arid Mediterranean conditions. International Journal of Plant Production 5 (3), 237-254. 31. Ortas, I. 2012. The effect of mycorrhizal fungal inoculation on plant yield, nutrient uptake and inoculation effectiveness under long-term field conditions. Field Crops Research 125 (2012) 35–48. 32. Ortas, I., Sari, N., Akpinara, C., Yetisir, H. 2012. Screening Mycorrhizae Species for Increased Growth and P and Zn Uptake in Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Grown under Greenhouse Conditions. Europ. J. Hort. Sci. 76 (3) 116-123. 33. Ortas, I. 2012. Do Maize and Pepper Plants Depend On Mycorrhızae in Terms of Phosphorus and Zinc Uptake? Journal of Plant Nutrition. 35. 1639-1656. 34. Ortas, I., Lal, R., 2012. Long-Term Phosphorus Application Impacts on AggregateAssociated Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration in a Vertisol in the Mediterranean Turkey. Soil Science 177, 241-250. 35. Cekic, F.; Unyayar, S.; Ortas, I. 2012. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on biochemical parameters in Capsicum annuum grown under long term salt stress. TURKISH JOURNAL OF BOTANY. 36 (1): 63-72. 36. Ortas, I and C. Akpinar, Lal, R. 2013. Long-Term Impacts of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Carbon Sequestration in Aggregates of an Entisol in Mediterranean Turkey. Soil Science. 178, 1, 12-23 37. AYTOK, Ö,. YILMAZ, T., ORTAŞ, I., ÇAKAN, H. 2013. Changes in mycorrhizal spore and root colonization of coastal dune vegetation of the Seyhan Delta in the post cultivation phase. Turk J Agric For. 37, 1, 52-61. 38. Ortas, I.; Sari, N.; Akpinar, C.; Yetisir, H. 2013. Selection of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Species for Tomato Seedling Growth, Mycorrhizal Dependency and Nutrient Uptake. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE, 78 (5): 209- 218. 39. Ortas, I. 2013. Influences of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer rates on pepper and tomato yield and nutrient uptake under field conditions. Scientific Research and Essays. Vol. 8(23), pp. 1048-1055, DOI 10.5897/SRE11. 579. 40. Almaca, A., Almaca, N. D., Söylemez, S. and Ortaş, İ. 2013. The effects of mycorrhizal species and different doses of phosphorus on pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) yield and development under field conditions. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.11 (3&4): 647-651. 41. Ortas, I. Ustuner, O. 2014. Determination of different growth media and various mycorrhizae species on citrus growth and nutrient uptake. Scientia Horticulturae. 166, 84-90. 42. Ortas, I. Ustuner, O. 2014. The effects of single species, dual species and indigenous mycorrhizal inoculation on citrus growth and nutrient uptake. European Journal of Soil Biology. 1-6. 43. Ünlü, M., Kanber, R., Koç, D. L., Özekici, B., Kekeç, U., Yeşiloğlu, T., Ortaş, I., Ünlü, F., Kapur, B., Tekin, S., Käthner, J., Gebbers, R., Zude, M., Peeters, A., and Ben-Gal, A. 2014. Irrigation scheduling of grapefruit trees in a Mediterranean environment throughout evaluation of plant water status and evapotranspiration. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Turk J Agric For. 38: 908-915. doi:10.3906/tar-1403-58. 44. Turgay, OC., Buchan, D., Moeskops, B., De Gusseme, B., Ortaş, I. and De Neve, S.2015. Changes in soil ergosterol content, glomalin-related soil protein, and phospholipid fatty acid profile as affected by long-term organic and chemical fertilization practices in Mediterranean Turkey. ARID LAND RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT. 29(2). p.180-198 45. Incesu, M; Yesiloglu, T; Cimen, B; Yilmaz, B; Akpinar, C; Ortas, I. 2015.. Effects on growth of persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) rootstock of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi species. TURKISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY Volume: 39 Issue: 1 Pages: 117-122. 46. Ortas, I, Kaya, Z., and Ercan, S. 2015. Effect Of Pyrıte Applıcatıon On Wheat-Maıze Growth Nutrıent Uptake Under Dıverse Soıl Condıtıons. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 38:295–309. 47. Turgay, O.C. Buchan, D., Moeskops, B., De Gusseme, B., Ortas, I., De Neve, S.. 2015.Changes in Soil Ergosterol Content, Glomalin-Related Soil Protein, and Phospholipid Fatty Acid Profile as Affected by Long-Term Organic and Chemical Fertilization Practices in Mediterranean Turkey. ARID LAND RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT Volume: 29 Issue: 2 Pages: 180-198. 48. Ortas, I. 2015. Comparative analyses of Turkey agricultural soils: Potential communities of indigenous and exotic mycorrhiza species' effect on maize (Zea mays L.) growth and nutrient uptakes. European Journal of Soil Biology 69 (2015) 79-87. 49. Ortas, I., C. Akpinar, D. Ahmet. 2015. Effect of mycorrhizal species on growth and nutrient uptake by seedlings of Citrus (Citrus sinensis) under three soil growth conditions. Current Horticulture 3 (2): 61–64, July–December 2015. 50. Saeed, F. H., Alwan, U. A., Jasım, A., Jasım, H.K. Ortaş, I. 2016. The efficiency of bio-fertilization in the growth and yield of Sweet corn (Zea mays var. regosa). EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH. Vol. IV, Issue 4. www.euacademic.org. 51. Buto, Takuya; Suzuki, Kazuki; Kaidzu, Tomoyuki; et al. 2016. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community of wheat under long-term mineral and organic amendments in semi-arid Mediterranean Turkey. ARID LAND RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT. Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Pages: 479-489. 52. Ortas, I., C. Akpinar, D. Ahmet. 2016. Sour Orange (Citrus Aurantium L.) Growth is Strongly Mycorrhizal Dependent in Terms of Phosphorus (P) Nutrition Rather than Zinc (Zn). Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 47:22, 2514-2527. 53. Ortas, I., Coskan, A. 2016. Precipitation as the most affecting factor on soil-plant environment conditions affects the mycorrhizal spore numbers in three different ecological zones in Turkey. ACTA Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science. 66 (4), 369-378. 54. Satir, N., Ortas, I., and Satir, O. 2016. The influence of mycorrhizal species on sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) Growth Under Saline Soil Conditions. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences Volume: 53 (2) P: 399-406. 55. Ortas, I.; Refique, M., Akpinar, C. and Aka Kacar, Y. 2017. Growth media and mycorrhizal species effect on acclimatization and nutrient uptake of banana plantlets. Scientia Horticulturae, Volume: 217 Pages: 55-60. 56. Ortas, I. 2018. Influence of potassium and magnesium fertilizer application on the yield and nutrient accumulation of maize genotypes under field conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 41 (3) 330-3308. 57. Yucel, C, MJ Farhan, AM Khairo, G Ozer, M Cetin, I Ortas, and KR Islam. 2017. Evaluating Salicornia as a Potential Forage Crop to Remediate High GroundwaterTable Saline Soil under Continental Climates. 58. Rafique, M., Sultan, T., Ortas, I., Chaudhary, H.J., 2017. Enhancement of maize plant growth with inoculation of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and biochar amendment in soil. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 63, 460-469. 59. Ortas, I. 2018. Influence of potassium and magnesium fertilizer application on the yield and nutrient accumulation of maize genotypes under field conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition 41 (3):330-339. 60. Ortas, I., and A. Bykova. 2018. The Effect of Mycorrhiza Inoculation and Phosphorus Application on Phosphorus Efficiency of Wheat Plants. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 49 (10):1199-1207. 61. Ortas, I., A. Demirbas, and C. Akpinar. 2018. Time period and nutrient contents alter the mycorrhizal responsiveness of citrus seedlings. European Journal of Horticultural Science 83 (2):72-80. 62. Ortas, I., A. Demirbas, and C. Akpinar. 2018. Under sterilized and non-sterilized soil conditions, mycorrhizal dependency in citrus plants depends on phosphorus fertilization rather than zinc application. European Journal of Horticultural Science 83 (2):81-87. 63. Rafique, M., and I. Ortas. 2018. Nutrient uptake-modification of different plant species in Mediterranean climate by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. European Journal of Horticultural Science 83 (2):65-71. 64. Akpınar Ç., Ortaş, I., Demirbaş A.,2018. Exotic mycorrhizae species Inoculated plant species groups have differed effects on root colonization and sporulation. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. V. 27. No 5A. P. 3462-3468. 65. Akpınar Ç., Ortaş, I., Demirbaş A.,2018. The Effects of Different Zn Doses and Mycorrhızae Applıcatıon On Horse Bean Growth and Nutrıent Uptake Under Sterıle and Non Sterıle Soıl Condıtıons. Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, Vol. LXI, No. 1, 2018, p 21-26. 66. BOUABDELLI, Z., BELHADJ, S. SMAIL-SAADOUN, N., MÉVY, JP., NOTONNIER, R., TONETTO, A., ORTAS, I. and GAUQUELIN, T. 2018. Influence De L’arıdıté Sur La Varıatıon De La Colonısatıon Mycorhızıenne Arbusculaıre Chez Cınq Populatıons Naturelles Algérıennes Du Pıstachıer De L’atlas (Pıstacıa Atlantıca Desf.). Revue d’Ecologie (Terre et Vie), Vol. 73 (3), 2018 : 330-344. 67. Ahmed, Ibrahim A. M; Ortas, Ibrahim; Yucel, Celal; Oktem, Abdullah; Yucel, Derya; Iqbal, Md Toufiq. 2018. Dry weight and nutrient uptake of twenty-one sweet sorghum genotypes grown in two separate locations of Turkey. Australian Journal of Crop Science. Volume 12 Issue 7, 1191-1199. 68. Ortas, I. And Islam, K. R. 2018. Phosphorus Fertilization Impacts on Corn Yield and Soil Fertility. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. Vol: 49. İssue, 14. P. 1684-1694. 69. Iqbal, M.T., Ortas, I., Ahmed, I.A.M., Isik, M., Islam, M.S., 2019. Rice straw biochar amended soil improves wheat productivity and accumulated phosphorus in grain. Journal of Plant Nutrition 42: 1605-1623. 70. Ortas, I., Iqbal, T., Yucel, Y.C., 2019. Mycorrhizae enhances horticultural plant yield and nutrient uptake under phosphorus deficient field soil condition. Journal of Plant Nutrition 42: 1152-1164. 71. Rafique, M., Chaudhary, H.J., Ahmed, I.A.M., Bykova, A., Ortas, I., 2019a. Biochar engineered to enhance the potential performance of soil in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 12. 72. Rafique, M., Ortas, I., 2018. Nutrient uptake-modification of different plant species in Mediterranean climate by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. European Journal of Horticultural Science 83: 65-71. 73. Rafique, M., Ortas, I., Rizwan, M., Sultan, T., Chaudhary, H.J., Isik, M., Aydin, O., 2019b. Effects of Rhizophagus clarus and biochar on growth, photosynthesis, nutrients, and cadmium (Cd) concentration of maize (Zea mays) grown in Cd-spiked soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26: 20689-20700. 74. Ortaş İ., "Comparison of indigenous and selected mycorrhiza in terms of growth increases and mycorrhizal dependency of sour orange under phosphorus and zinc deficient soils", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE, vol.84, pp.218-255, 2019 (Link) 75. Rafique M., Chaudhary H.J., Ahmed I.A., Bykova A., Ortaş İ., "Biochar engineered to enhance the potential performance of soil in the Mediterranean region of Turkey", Arabian Journal Of Geosciences, vol.12, pp.391-402, 2019 (Link) 76. Akpinar Ç., Demirbaş A., Ortaş İ., "The Effect of Different Compost Compositions on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization and Nutrients Concentration of Leek ( iallium Porrum/i L.) Plant/title", Communications In Soil Science And Plant Analysis, vol.50, pp.2309-2320, 2019 (Link) 77. Ortaş İ., "Under filed conditions, mycorrhizal inoculum effectiveness depends on plant species and phosphorus nutrition", JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION, vol.42, pp.2349-2362, 2019 (Link) 78. Ortaş İ., Toufiq I., "Mycorrhizal inoculation enhances growth and nutrition of cotton plant", JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION, vol.42, pp.2043-2056, 2019 (Link) 79. Refigue M., Ortaş İ., Ahmed İ., Myhammad R., Muhammad S.A., Sulatan T., et al., "Potential impact of biochar types and microbial inoculants on growth of onion plant in differently textured and phosphorus limited soils", JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, vol.247, pp.672-680, 2019 (Link). 80. Jan, S.U. Jamal, A, Sabar, M.A., Ortaş, I., Işik, M., Akşahin, V., Alghamdi, H.A., Gul,S., Saqib, Z., and Ali, M.I. 2020 . Pak. J. Agri. Sci., Vol. 57(5), 1201-1210. 81. Iqbal, M.T., Ahmed, I.A.M., Isik, M., Sultana, F., Ortas, I., 2021. Role of mycorrhizae inoculations on nutrient uptake in rice grown under aerobic and anaerobic water management. Journal of Plant Nutrition 44: 550-568. 82. Ortas, I., and A. Bykova. 2020. Effects of long-term phosphorus fertilizer applications on soil carbon and CO(2)flux. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 51 (17):2270-2279. 83. Kocak, B., Ortas, I., 2021. Short-Term Eucalyptus and Phragmites Biochar's Efficiency in Mineralization of Soil Carbon. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 21: 3346-3353. 84. Farhan, M.J., Khairo, A.M., Islam, K.R., Ortas, I., 2021. Impact of Several Levels of Calcium Phosphate Fertilization on Distribution, Partitioning, and Lability of Soil Phosphorus under Corn-Wheat System. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 52: 712-723. 85. Iqbal, M.T., Ahmed, I.A.M., Isik, M., Sultana, F., Ortas, I., 2021. Role of mycorrhizae inoculations on nutrient uptake in rice grown under aerobic and anaerobic water management. Journal of Plant Nutrition 44: 550-568. 86. Kocak, B., Ortas, I., 2021. Short-Term Eucalyptus and Phragmites Biochar's Efficiency in Mineralization of Soil Carbon. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 21: 3346-3353. 87. Ortas, I., Rafique, M., Çekiç, F., 2021. Do Mycorrhizal Fungi Enable Plants to Cope with Abiotic Stresses by Overcoming the Detrimental Effects of Salinity and Improving Drought Tolerance? , Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms. Springer, pp. 391- 428. 88. Yazici, M.A., Asif, M., Tutus, Y., Ortas, I., Ozturk, L., Lambers, H., Cakmak, I., 2021. Reduced root mycorrhizal colonization as affected by phosphorus fertilization is responsible for high cadmium accumulation in wheat. Plant and Soil. Book Chapters 1. Ortaş, I. 2006. Soil Biological Degradation. In: Encyclopedia Of Soil Science. Marcel Dekker. USA, pp. 264-267. 2. Ortas I and Varma A (2007) Field Trials of Bioinoculants. Chapter 26. In: Modern Tools and Techniques. (eds. Oelmüller R and Varma A) Springer-Verlag, Germany 11: 397-413. 3. Ortas I (2008) Field Trials on Mycorrhizal Inoculation In the Eastern Mediterranean Horticultural Region, In. Mycorrhiza Works. F. Feldmann, Y. Kapulnık, J. Baar (Eds.) Hannover, Germany. Pp 56-77. 4. Celik, K.T. Yilmaz, H. Eswaran, A. Mermut, M. Dingil, Z. Kaya, A. Demirbas¸, I. Aksit, I. Ortas¸, M. Gok, C. Akpınar, T. Nagano, N. Ae, Y.K. Koca, and S. Kapur. Reconstructing the Past by Regenerating Biodiversity: A Treatise on Weed Contribution to Soil Quality at a Post-cultivation Succession In. Sustainable Land Management, Learning from the past for the future. Eds. Kapur, S., Eswaran, H., Blum, W. E. H., Springer. 2011. (ISBN 978-3-642-14781-4).. 5. Ortas, I., 2012. Mycorrhiza in Citrus: Growth and Nutrition, In: Srivastava, A.K. (Ed.), Advances in Citrus Nutrition. Pp. 333-353. Springer-Verlag The Netherlands. 6. Ortas, I and Lal, R. 2013. Food Security and Climate Change in West Asia; Chapter 12. In “Climate Change and Food Security in West Asia and North Africa” eds by Sivakumar, M.V.K.; Lal, R.; Selvaraju, R.; Hamdan, I. Springer publisher, London 7. Sivakumar, M.. VK., Awawdeh, F., Haddad, N., Hamdan, I., Holderness, M., Lal, R., Ortas, I. and Ramasamy , S., 2013. Adaptation Strategies for Different Sectors in the WANA Region – Summaries of Breakout Group Discussions; Chapter 18. . In “Climate Change and Food Security in West Asia and North Africa” eds by Sivakumar, M.V.K.; Lal, R.; Selvaraju, R.; Hamdan, I. Springer publisher, London. 8. Ortas, I. 2016. Role of Mycorrhizae and Biochar on Plant Growth and Soil Quality. In: Biochar, A Regıonal Supply Chain Approach In View Of Climate Change Mitigatıon. Edit by Bruckman, V.J. Varol, E.A. Uzun, B.B. and Liu, J. Cambridge Universitey press. Cambridge. UK. 9. Ortaş, I. 2017. Degradation: Biological. In: Encyclopedia of Soil Science, Ed by Lala, R. Third Edition. CRC Press USA. Pp. 553-557 10. ISBN 9781498738903 - CAT# K26612. 11. Ortaş, I. 2017. Mycorrhizae and soil quality: In: Encyclopedia of Soil Science, Ed by Lala, R. Third Edition. CRC Press USA. Pp. 1505-1510. ISBN 9781498738903 - CAT# K26612. 12. Ortas I., Lal, R. and Kapur, S. 2016. Carbon Sequestration and Mycorrhizae in Turkish Soils. In: Carbon Management, Technologies, and Trends in Mediterranean Ecosystems. Eds by: Erşahin, Ş., Kapur, S., Akça, E., Namlı, A. And Erdoğan, H. E. Springer International Publishing. pp 139-149 . 10.1007/978-3-319-45035-3_10. 13. Ortaş, I. Rafique, M., and Ahmed , I.A.M. 2017. Application of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi into Agriculture, In: Arbuscular Mycorrhizas and Stress Tolerance of Plants. Ed by Wu, Q.S. pp 305- 327. Springer Nature, Singapore. 14. Ortaş, I. Razzaghi, S., and Rafique, M. 2017 . Arbuscular Mycorrhizae: Effect of Rhizosphere and Relation with Carbon Nutrition. In: Plant-Microbe Interaction: An Approach to Sustainable Agriculture. Eds by Choudhary, D. K., Varma, A., and Tuteja, N., pp 125-154. Springer Nature, Singapore. 15. Ortaş, I. and Rafique, M. 2018. The Mechanisms of Nutrient Uptake by Arbuscular Mycorrhizae. Chapter 1. Mycorrhiza-Nutirent Uptake, Biocontrol, Ecorestoration. Eds by Varma, A., Prasad, R. and Tuteja, N., pp 1-19. Springer Nature, Switzerland. 16. Ortas, I., 2017a. Mycorrhizal species significantly increase citrus yield and nutrient concentration under field conditions. VIII International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops 1217, pp. 171-178. 17. Ortas, I., 2017b. Role of mycorrhizae on mineral nutrition of fruit trees. VIII International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops 1217, pp. 271-284. 18. Ortaş İ., Rafique M., Iqbal M.T., "Mycorrhizae Resource Allocation in Root Development and Root Morphology", in: Plant Microbe Interface, Ajit Varma, Swati Tripathi, Ram Prasad, Eds., Springer, pp.1-26, 2019 19. Ortaş İ., "Role of Microorganisms (Mycorrhizae) in Organic Farming", in: Organic Farming, Sarath Chandran,M.R. Unni and Sabu Thomas, Eds., Woodhead Publishing, pp.181-211, 2019 20. Ortaş İ., "Mycorrhizal species significantly increase citrus yield and nutrient concentration under field conditions", in: VIII International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops , M. Tagliavini, S. Cesco ,T. Mimmo, Y. Pii, F. Scandellari , Eds., ISHS , Buriksel, pp.1-10, 2018 (Link) 21. Ortaş İ., "Degradation:Biological", in: Encyclopedia of Soil Science, Lal, R., Eds., CRC Press, pp.553-557, 2017 . 22. Ortaş, I. 2019. Do horticultural tree plant species depend on mycorrhizal inoculation under marginal soil conditions? Acta Hortic. 1253. ISHS 2019. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1253.12. XXX IHC - Proc. Int. Symp. on Water and Nutrient Relations and Mgt. of Hort. Crops. Eds.: A. Ben-Gal et al. 23. Ortaş, I., C. Akpinar, A. Demirbas and N. Sari. 2019. Mycorrhizae-inoculated vegetable seedling production and use in field experiments for ecological farming. Acta Hortic. 1253. ISHS 2019. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1253.13. XXX IHC - Proc. Int. Symp. on Water and Nutrient Relations and Mgt. of Hort. Crops. Eds.: A. Ben-Gal et al. 24. Ortaş, I. 2019. Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on citrus seedling growth and nutrient uptake. Acta Hortic. 1253. ISHS 2019. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1253.11 XXX IHC - Proc. Int. Symp. on Water and Nutrient Relations and Mgt. of Hort. Crops. Eds.: A. Ben-Gal et al. 25. Ortaş, İ., 2020. Mycorrhizas in fruit nutrition: Important breakthroughs. Fruit Crops. Elsevier, pp. 339-351. 26. Ortas, I., Rafique, M., Çekiç, F., 2021. Do Mycorrhizal Fungi Enable Plants to Cope with Abiotic Stresses by Overcoming the Detrimental Effects of Salinity and Improving Drought Tolerance? , Symbiotic Soil Microorganisms. Springer, pp. 391- 428. Summary of Publications ISI index paper 88 h-index 19 Times Cited 1302 Other index papers 52 Book chapters 24 Conference papers and Turkish written 331 TOTAL 495 COMMUNITY SERVICE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY • I have written over 1090 articles on several journals related with environment, education, philosophy of education, university problem, and soil and food quality. Talk on TV and radio about general society and environments problems. • Given several seminars in national and international level. I have been over 40 counties for scientific proposes. Given several seminars and conferences on soil and society related to our health.PDF Hali ile gör
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